Monday, September 8, 2008

This is a very special testimonial for a veryyyyy special frnd..This is dedicated to him for his BIRTHDAY..many happy returns of the day..God bless you buddy..I am forever thankful to God as he sent you like a gift from up above,you showed me the essence of true friendship.Ur a man wid heart, a mine of gold..always remember u as my friend and there is nothing together we can not do.If god is centre and friendship is radius then ur the circle who stuffed all his friends with in urself...ur a person blended wid many fabulous qualities and an enterprising personality...a prodigy of love and effection..wonderful orator and in similar lines proved ur legendary joke cracking capability in which ur unique..the words MODEST,VIVACIOUS,WARM HEARTED,SMART,RELIABLE,VERSATILE, have no depth in dem to ornate ur qualities..He is the only man of his type ,an unparallelled and an in comparable person..If there is a person beside me forever , no doubt that wud be u.

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